Team Wasserretention

Gerhard Üblinger

"Work in Progress"

Lives: with family in Austria in an eco-social housing project with agriculture.
Education: Agricultural school, carpentry, social work studies, associate student for agriculture and agricultural education, Water Cycle Restoration Practitioner at waterstories.
Experience: basic agricultural education on the parental farm, various stations of social work, project coordination of a development project in Kenya, foundation of self-managed housing projects, crowdlending, in the eco-village he works on water retention measures and research projects on decentralised wastewater treatment.
Work: builds constructed wetlands, researches climate change-adapted habitats and plans water retention landscapes for properties of all sizes.
Strengths: Networked, pragmatic thinking. Creative mind with a love of simple practical results and an appetite for playful details. Has experience in site planning and supervision. Skilled in designing participatory interdisciplinary processes.
Leisure time: Likes to spend time outdoors in nature. Walking, playing with his son, with his bees, paddling with his wife in the river or swimming in the lake.