Team Wasserretention

Julian Stolte


Lives: in the southwest of Germany, in Traben Trarbach. As a direct resident on the Moselle, he has experienced quite a few floods, hence his motivation to help mitigate the heavy rain flood-dry summer problem. Founder of the Geman speaking Website:
Education: Carpenter, studied communication design
Water Retention Design Practitioner in Tamera,
Water Cycle Restoration Practitioner at waterstories
Experience: work in nature conservation groups, architecture, carpentry, construction management, project visionary in an integrative energy - culture project in Hamburg with a lot of group work
Work: he founded the website in 2021 and plans water retention landscapes for properties of all sizes.
Strengths: he describes himself as an interdisciplinary creative, his core competence is to look at seemingly separate areas together. If we think of our ideas with a holistic approach, looking at all the elements of life: earth, water, fire, air, we can develop sustainable concepts.
Leisure: Likes to spend time outdoors in nature. Walking, playing with his dog, swimming or diving with his girlfriend in his favourite lake.

Basic water retention training

In 2015 Julian completed the
"Water Retention Design Practitioner" course in Tamera, Portugal, where he learned the basics of water retention in theory and practice.